Hi guys,
My name is Nathan. I am a freelance artist of many things, under the name Faceless Monkey Art and Design or FMAD.
I did a local reporter course, and featured on radio talking bout the course that got me here, I guess.
Started taking my art serous, in august 2012 and now its may 2013 I have an art studio, getting commissions and being asked to do welfare reporting for communityreporter.co.uk is a pleasure. You can say my life has been good, but I have had some bad times in my life such as, depression, self harming, bullying, sexual confusion and many more which I hope to share and maybe help people watching my videos/ reporting.
I am more than happy to talk to anyone about anything, so if you got a problem or you got an event you want reporting let me know.
I'm sure you'll get to know me through my videos and blogs.
Thanks guys, take care.
User Details
Full Name
Nathan Morgan

Member for

11 years 8 months

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