1. The right to be informed 

We always clearly inform people about what data we will record and  how their data will be used. This includes: 

• Seeking explicit consent to create people an account on  www.communityreporter.net via the website sign-up sheet  and opt-in boxes on the site 

• Seeking explicit consent to record and share people’s  stories by either using our consent forms or gaining  recorded verbal consent, and by issuing them with an  information sheet. 

• Having a policy available on the Community Reporter site. • Using explicit opt-in strategies for all data  


2. The right of access 

Registered Community Reporters can access the data held about  them on the www.communityreporter.net website themselves. They  and others can also request access to this and any other data via  emailing enquiries@peoplesvoicemedia.co.uk 

3. The right to rectification 

Registered Community Reporters change the data held about them  on the www.communityreporter.net website themselves. They and others can also request changes to this data and any other data via  emailing enquiries@peoplesvoicemedia.co.uk 

4. The right to restrict processing 

There are a range of ways that people can restrict the processing of  their information. These restrictions are given on our consent forms.  This can include withdrawing or restricting consent for how stories  are shared. 

5. The right to erasure

Registered Community Reporters erase the data held about them on the www.communityreporter.net website themselves. They and others can also request this data and any other data to be removed via emailing enquiries@peoplesvoicemedia.co.uk

6. The right to data portability

People can request the right for their data to be shared with them or others by emailing enquiries@peoplesvoicemedia.co.uk

7. The right to object

People can choose to withdraw consent or not to give consent for their data to be gathered, processed or stored at any point. This includes the withdrawal of consent for their stories.