I've enjoyed my time learning about media and learning about the equipment. The best part about this project was making new friends and having a laugh a long the way. The first week we got told what we would be doing. The second week we built a bridge out of newspapers as an ice breaker and then we came up with some ideas for the video that we are making. On the third week we we did a ice breaker called social media me were we had to draw a picture about what we normaly put on socail media and I drew a smiley face to show I'm a happy person! Then we did a practice interview so we knew what we were doing for the real interveiws and how to use the equipment. The forth week was the week that we started filming the interviews for the video. On the staturday that week we went to Preston hospital to do some filming there. My favorite skill that I have learned is editing which we have done in the last couple of weeks. 

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