I showed Rueben this image the other day. Its a reconstruction they did on St. Nicholas’ skull. I remember it being published at least 10 years ago, with a caption about a man coming down your chimney.
Yesterday we where in the shopping center all the shops have there Christmas decor out. Rueben asked me why Santa was white. I wasn’t ready and do not have a prepared age appropriate answer to such a huge complex problem. He has already picked up on white washing in the media, (it surprised me as we live without a television.) It is very true I but worry about confirming it to such a literal young mind. Yes it is the way it is, but not only does it not need to be this way, its wrong.
Later we where in the coop buying dinner. A guy was stocking the shelves in a black bah hum hat. Rue was chatting to him about Santa and told him about how he was black. The guy replies “I didn’t know that” At this point I interjected, that’s the answer Rue, people don’t know. Now of course this is only a tiny part of the answer the tip of the iceberg, it is much bigger and deeper than that.
When it comes to politics. I do have strong views but I kind of want Rueben to come to his own conclusions. I’d like him to believe what I do ( I think I’m right after all) but the longer I parent the more I realize I can’t make him think anything. Yet I will present the truth the best I know how and hope for the best.