Fort-Portal: The Kabarole Resident District Commissioner Stephen Asiimwe has urged members of the media in Rwenzori region to learn how to understand their working environment and observe security consciousness if they are to prevent themselves from security incidents in the region.

Asiimwe who was on Friday 2nd February, closing a five days media training on security management and digital security organized by Freedom House at Kalya Courts Hotel in Fort Portal, advised field journalists to draw their attention on their personal security while in the field and at their workplace.

He also tipped them to understand who they are working for and for what interests in addition to observing objectivity and rule of law in regard to their profession.

Yona Wanjala a lead facilitator from Defenders Protection Initiative DPI tipped journalists on how they can overcome threats, risks and security incidents while reporting and also re-emphasized the need for reporters to always understand their working environment.

The media specialist from freedom house Pauline Okoth revealed that the organization interest in funding the training was to ensure that they secure the media space in Uganda which she said was getting squeezed by attacks against journalists and other professional challenges. END


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