& miraculously!... (actually mechanically) with a quick flick of the wrist. Hey Presto we've turned back time. To find we've earlier darker evenings.
No matter that the turning back time ritual takes place each year in UK it makes many people disorientated. That's hardly surprising for it occurs when nature is already heralding a change for the colder seasons. And we're humans not machines, unlike time pieces, we're not so easily adjusted.
One of my time pieces depicted here, doesn't keep time anymore. With it's zany numbering it never accurately told time. Always Dylanesque. It's a keepsake, reminding me of its maker and also I guess that measuring time needs the occasional disruptive and zany take.
In my 'Songs of Praise' blog I suggested the darker evenings were an atmospheric time to reflect and write. The return to longer hours conjures memories of crafts done by the fireside at home. There's no doubt writing is a craft and not the easiest for some!
Those of us old enough to remember using (and making) coal fires will know that as a focal point of our homes, fireplaces served both practical and symbolical uses. Images of sitting near a radiator just don't comfort in quite the same way.
Mother Nature would have got us to the darker evenings in her own sweet, slower way, but that's humans for you always manipulating nature. Not that I think that's all bad.
So at least for a week or two 'she' allows us a lighter hour in the morning. And what spectacular Autumn mornings we've had.
November already! And just a short sprint to mid-winter festivals.
Because this is a blog about wellbeing, and I referred in my earlier blog about simple pastimes that aid my wellbeing; good friends, songs and how a dissenting religous upbringing gave me much to be happy about..
...bear with me while I tie those two notions; 'wellbeing' and 'dissent' together, as I relate a recent experience in my quest to remain well.
In my desire to reduce use of medication I've been prescribed for many years I agreed for my GP to refer me to a psychiatrist for advice how to do that. I was 99% confident I was mentally well and therefore not intent on seeking assessment for that.**(check footnote)
The 1% doubt?.... I do think having once been acutely mentally distressed and receiving a diagnosis does even though well, allow self-doubt to creep in. It does for me especially when I encounter things that seriously test my sense of perception, at those times I can quickly become emotionally aroused, filled with self-doubt, distressed, and disorientated because I can't match thought with feeling.....
Feelings like....stomach churning, dizziness, forgetfulness, a pounding head...and then feeling 'down', emotionally, drained; wrung out like a wet cloth.
That's how 'stepping' in, and then out of the psychiatrists office on this occasion left me. And with a prescription for increased medication!
I'd been discharged from CMHT for years but I've visited the same building for different services in the interim.CAB etc but it's not been triggering. Although seeing people in the waiting area there who are acutely unwell is never a pleasant experience.
So what has a dissenting religious upbringing got to do with that? For me its because it helped me develop an inner strength when stigmatized for my core beliefs. Alert to other similar instances when 'gaslighting' occurs. And a drive to voice any injustice in creative ways. Experience shows that addressing them directly at 'source' is not always a safe option or wise when mental health is in doubt.
Time will tell how this current assault on personal truth pans out. It did knock me off course but the reassurance of friends, very much appreciated, helped me regain composure sufficiently well to draw upon my inner wellspring of self belief, to declare I am mentally well.
** my view on psychiatry are personal and I know many do excellent work, I've experienced some good practice. Medication has it's place and I do not 'pill shame' or advocate anyone stopping medication without appropriate support. I was however recently able to attend the relaunch of Sorteria in Bradford and the Soteria Network are a useful resource for anyone who does seek support reducing or coming off.