This young person hopes to grow an organisation, go to university and open up care homes for care experienced young people with complex needs. She fears that she won't have the security to be able to have a family and home of her own- all very unrealistic in today's economic climate. Cost of living crisis means basis needs cant be met. Traumas and adversity are a part of being care experienced and mean young people develop slower (emotionally and mentally). Current support for care leavers post 25 is inadequate, with adult social care involving corrupt and illegal practices. Leads to care leavers being more likely to be homeless, in hospital and in the criminal justice system than supported to achieve their hopes and dreams. National government has the power to make things different, inadequate support to local authorities. There is a need to take matters into our own hands and create opportunities.
This story was gathered by a youth advocate from the Equality Trust as part of a project called Reconstructing the Social Contract. 10 young people trained as community reporters and spoke to people aged between 16 and 25 in the United Kingdom to explore what impacts young people's life chances and their relationship with the state.