Rachel talks about her life as a med student from background where she is the first and how there is a lot of nepotism which gives poeple an unfair advantage. She disusses her worries aboutthe work life balance of workinh inthe NHS and going into the workforce. This storyteller has had lots of opportunititres to devleop skills thorugh volunteering, part time work and clubs and societies but talks about the barriers to seeking out those opportunties and how they could be made for everyone. She feel strongly under represented in parliamnet and politics and would like tosee more represenation and easier opportunitites for young people to have a stonger voice. Rachel talks about the influence of the media and trade unions and is grateful for ways to put her ideas forward through the BMA and university.
This story was gathered by a youth advocate from the Equality Trust as part of a project called Reconstructing the Social Contract. 10 young people trained as community reporters and spoke to people aged between 16 and 25 in the United Kingdom to explore what impacts young people's life chances and their relationship with the state.