My Lockdown Experience, by Poppy Witts-Woodward
I hadn’t paid much attention to the news, I heard about the virus being in the country but didn’t think that it would have such a big impact on my life. I knew what the virus was and where it came from and I had heard about the stories of other countries in lockdown; but the first time I really started to worry about the virus was when I couldn’t get my normal weekly shopping!
I felt like it escalated very quickly, one day I was at work and then the next we were being told to work from home. It was a strange feeling to be saying goodbye to people and not knowing when you would see them again in person.
I came home from work on the 17th March and I still haven’t gone back to the office full time. It’s been great to go back two days a week and see other people. It’s nice to have some sense of normality and routine in place whilst still feeling like it’s a safe place to be.
Looking back over my lockdown experience I would say it has been positive. I have had massive support from my work. I have a close family and I am lucky enough my grandparents are young enough to understand technology and join in with the obligatory quiz night.
One thing I was so grateful for, during lockdown was how beautiful the weather was, could you imagine how bad it would have been if it was nonstop rain? My husband and I were able to do the things that we had been putting off, like sorting the front garden.
We found out in April that we will be expecting our first child at the end of this year, we could have timed that a bit better. Although we had planned on having a baby this year, being pregnant during a pandemic was not on my to do list.
A lockdown pregnancy has been a tad strange, but as I have nothing to compare it to, I feel it’s easier to rationalise my feelings because I know no different. My husband has been such a trooper, he hasn’t been able to come to any of my appointments or scans but he has taken all this in his stride. We paid for a private scan quite early on where he could come in and meet our little bundle so that was something at least.
Having both of us working from home has been a real pleasure; I was worried it could have the opposite effect being on each others toes! We have both been able to take a step back from our crazy paced life and really enjoy time together. We have laughed so much and been with each other more than we ever would have. We’ve played board games, had cinema nights and really relaxed. Our routine has changed, we have felt the stress of commutes and adulting slowly fizz away. We’ve been able to enjoy the simple things in life together, like taking advantage of our once a day exercise and getting the dogs out.
One of the best things I did during lockdown was having my annual leave as planned even though our holiday to Scotland was cancelled. Being able to turn my laptop and work phone off and bury it in its bag for a couple of weeks was incredible. We lived a corona free life, in our own bubble enjoying our time at home, with no pressure or expectations of us. We got to enjoy the early weeks of being pregnant and keeping our own little secret.
Although I can reflect and feel positive about lockdown, it doesn’t mean it hasn’t come without its challenges. Having to tell our family over face time about our pregnancy was hard, especially for me telling my mum. All I wanted to do was hug her and be excited with her.
It’s hard to not get down about the effect this has had on my pregnancy. I pictured being pregnant in such a different way. I pictured shopping days with my mum and sister, I pictured being annoyed with everyone touching my bump, I pictured celebrating with family. All of this has been completely different and its difficult not being angry about this especially when my husband hasn’t been able to be a part of it with me. I did go shopping with my mum and although wearing a mask for 8 hours wasn’t ideal, it made me feel better that it can be done.
I have had the worries of what effect this virus could have on me and my unborn baby if we caught it and the normal worries of loved ones catching it. I’m worried about having to give birth whilst there are still limitations in the hospital. But I know all of this is out of my control and I can’t worry about that. The bigger picture of us recovering from this is much more important. I would rather be away from loved ones for a year to be safe, to then be able to have them around for years to come.