Unfortunatly Drop-in sesssions at the Social Media Centre, Salford will no longer be running after the end of january. This is so we can focus on offering high quality training courses instead.

I'm happy to let you know that we're going to running the following two courses at the Salford Social Media Centre:

Internet Radio: starting 10th February for 10 weeks from 10-1pm
We will tell you everything you need to know to start telling stories about your local area using the power of radio! You'll learn about different programme styles and how to hold your listeners' interest, as well as learning a grounding in all of the technical elements needed to create your own podcasts for the East Salford Direct radio channel.

Internet TV: starting 10th February for 10 weeks from 2-5pm
Using East Salford as your playground, you'll be creating fun and interesting stories about the area for the East Salford Direct TV channel. Whether you want to film, present or come up with ideas for shows you'll be able to experiment in different in roles to bring these shows to life.

Both courses run for ten weeks and are free for over 19's.

No previous experience is required for either course and absolute beginners are welcome.

If you have any other questions or wish to sign up please call
Peoples Voice Media
0161-743 3537

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