Archives & Oral History Reporting Training Day

Thursday 10 February 2011 9.45am-3.30pm

Manchester Digital Development Agency

Digital technology means that more people now have access to the means to record people’s life stories. But what questions should you ask? What equipment do you need? How do you present the results in an engaging way?

This FREE training day is suitable for service users or volunteers who would like an introduction to gathering and presenting the history of a community.


9.45 Coffee and registration

10-12noon Andrew Schofield, North West Sound Archive

Introduction to oral history recording: equipment, questionnaires, undertaking a recording, copyright issues

12-1 Lunch break

1-3pm David Kay, People's Voice Media

Introduction to video interviewing: planning, creating a storyboard, using simple video recorders, basic editing and uploading

3-3.30pm David Govier, Manchester Archives

Introduction to Manchester Archives images on Flickr


To attend this event or for more information please contact David Govier at (0161 832 5284). Places are limited.

Refreshments will be available but lunch is not included – there are plenty of sandwich bars nearby or you are welcome to bring your own packed lunch.


Manchester Digital Development Agency

Lower Ground Floor

117-119 Portland Street


M1 6ED

For directions see:

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