The storyteller shares their reflections on the Not Another Co-Pro Project
So tell me about your experience of not another co-production project. So my experience of not enough co-production project was That is, um typically, when I am involved in coproduction, you have a a desired outcome and you bring people together, and you kind of say, I wanna copro produce something. Uh, so I'll give an example, maybe a kind of project or a piece of work. And you've got, like, really clear milestones that you want to get to and you wanna leave at the end of the co-production activity workspace, whatever you call it, with something really tangible and not enough
Co-production project really speaks to creating those work conditions and the value of bringing people together. We have a blank sheet of paper with that shared, um, hope around knowledge exchange. So everyone that's coming has got different knowledge and experiences that they can bring to share, to help other people in their on their journeys of co production without being without it being really formulaic and process driven
And it's about relationships. It's about going on a journey together, and through that I think you develop more authentic, meaningful, strong co-production. I think you spend a lot of time developing some group values and from those values I think that you can really copro produce in a way that is more meaningful because you've spent the time on creating those conditions and you've got to know people
And it's fair to say that not everybody's coming with the same experiences, knowledge or same kind of local national context, and particularly this this piece of work. It's been about bringing people from a particular area, and it's really important to remember not everybody has the same experience and knowledge or opportunities to copro produce. But actually, together you can share each other share experiences and knowledge to support Co-production
Um, and the personalities and the everyday living experiences can really come out in those spaces. Do you have, um, maybe a specific example, um, from the project that sticks in your mind. So for me, one of the really powerful examples is one of the organisations that came along and were a bit more quieter and possibly didn't contribute as much
But then, outside of the space, they really asked for that individual support and we have done some listening spaces, and they've got some of their employees to come along. Most lifting spaces have been really spaces where people talk about co-production, but not in the way that when you're involved in health and social care, you talk about coproduction in the way that actually, it's just a human thing. It's about human relationships
It's about working collaboratively. It's about sharing our strengths, hopes, aspirations, dreams to make things better for people. Um, and through that, I think I've learned that even in those spaces, those quiet voices are as important
And we need to do and work in a way that embraces difference. And the way that people turn up and contribute may feel a lot differently. It doesn't mean that that, um, value is less or their hopes or their desire to run the snack production is any more relevant or less important
I don't know if that's making sense. Is that making sense? Yeah, it is. Um, any anything, Um, that you think could have been done differently
Um, for me, I think that on a personal level, I would have liked a lot more structure at the beginning, but just going with the process. Now I realise that actually, you have to go with just being really present. Um, and ultimately it is what it is
And it's got to where it has got because of the process. And I think giving people permission from the beginning to really step into that space of actually it's not going to be structured. It's gonna be very experiential
Felt living, organic process. And that's OK. And it will get to where it needs to be or not, depending on whatever that the shared and collective input is
And it's fine. Yeah, And my mind's gone blank now. I can't think of any other questions
Cool. OK, we can start, Yeah.