My personal journey of trying to become more healthy is a one which has started, but has definitely not finished. My aim is to do the basics, eat a bit better and do a bit more exercise.
I started in July 2014 and I weighed 17st2lbs and as I type this on the 22nd April 2015, I am 15st12lbs. This has been accomplished by doing a few different things.
I have been using a handy smartphone app called MyFitnessPal which provides me with a daily allowance of calories I can have judging on my age, weight and height. It also allows me to input my food intake and exercise throughout the day which allows me to keep track of it all.
This alone has helped a great deal because it has made me realise how many calories are actually in food and drink. So many times I would just have a glass of coke or a cup of coffee without actually thinking that I was taking on board a large amount of calories.
I have also been walking each day at least 5,000 steps. This usually works out at around 2 miles a day. This sounds a lot but in reality, I park 10 minutes away from where I work and walk in. The journey to work, walking round town at lunch and walking back to my car alone is enough to have a big impact.
Obviously the more weight I lose, then the harder it gets and the more activity I need to do. The good thing is that the more weight I have lost, the more I want to do! I'm already thinking about riding a bike when I get chance and if I am able too I would love to ride to work every day rather than drive.
Remember, small steps make a big difference.