I was recently asked what I would change to make Little Hulton a better place for me to live, having given it a lot of thought I think I would like to go back thirty years or so to when all our neighbours knew and looked out for each other. One of the things that brought us together was the community center where we would have jumble sales, bingo and other events that brought us all together. I think that the loss of these centers started the downfall of the community spirit which has led to where we are today. I could not tell you the name of any of my neighbours, when I pass any of them in the street we look through each other as if we are ghosts this makes me feel isolated in the middle of an estate full of people . Even though I felt that way I found to my surprise when I started a course on gardening the number of local people who went out of their way to help me and make me feel part of the group. This showed me that the spirit is still out there I just had to look a bit harder for it.