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This young person talks about his frustrations with a lack of youth involvement in politics, the amazing contribution of young people as change makers. He talks about how young people are often left out of manifestos but are most affected by policy decisions as politics impact everything. He talks about the opportunities to support, promote and amplify youth voice and opportunities and how he sees so much value, passion and responsibility in getting involved in your local community and beyond. This storyteller shares his ideas around hard work and motivation which he wrote up into a book aged 17 and is planning his next one now that he has more resources, ideas and networks available to him. 



This story was gathered by a youth advocate from the Equality Trust as part of a project called Reconstructing the Social Contract. 10 young people trained as community reporters and spoke to people aged between 16 and 25 in the United Kingdom to explore what impacts young people's life chances and their relationship with the state.

is it recording
now yeah good morning
everybody my name is naar I what I meant
to say in the beginning because you they
already name me we eded that part
out hello guys I'll be interviewing all
of you guys wait it's not this I'll be
inter you I'm gonna ask you three
do you
consent I do I do okay so the first
question what are your hopes and fears
for the
future so my hopes I'll start with my
hopes for the
future so my hopes for the future um for
me it has to be around the future itself
so when I say that I mean the youth the
Next Generation my hopes around that is
so one of my goals in life is
to build future lead leaders what a
future leader so all the change makers
seeing them develop and seeing them grow
and seeing them invent great initiatives
um in this world that is my hope so for
example like in politics I know a lot of
younger people in politics who are
either involved in the working you know
civil service or literally policymaking
they really passionate about making a
change to the current system we live in
um and also just like again anything the
youth really do I'm always really
involved in whether that's Sports
whether that's charity seeing the seeing
them and seeing how they you know they
have their their own Ambitions and have
their own like ideas how they want to
change the world it's always amazing and
then when you can connect with those
people um and I believe you know down
the line again in the
future being have to connect going even
easier than it is now and it's going to
be so much bigger there's so much more
like traction people from Birmingham
connecting people in London and all over
so that is definitely my hopes for the
for the future just seeing the young
change makers and the future generation
develop and grow and in create
initiatives that will change the world
um my my fairs for the future I think
fair is a strong word so I say fair with
infed commies in my head but my plers
for the future I would say is um
don't know man it's really tough
like I would say like if nothing really
changes because you know like you know
you have like you know years of of like
again I'm going to bring it back to
politics but like years of like you know
poor economic history or Pol political
history for example in the UK and you
don't see much actually changing you
know year on year or month on month
uh whatever someone's elected someone's
involved in that party or that party and
there's not much change you know at the
moment as we can see he like a two-
Poole party for the last few years or
last like more than a few years um and
that that is very careful like you know
not there's not much correlation with
politics and you know the young people
to your future and a lot of what's going
to happen to young
people will be it's going to impact
because the choice made today by the
policy makers and the government will
you know be inherited on the younger
people so my P is
essentially imagine nothing actually
changes imagine the politics stays the
same and it keeps getting worse and it
keeps getting worse and you know they
keep making promises are not not going
to actually happen and who have to
suffer is going to be the youth um so
that would be my fair I'd say I had a
yeah wow I really love that answer
thank you did I have a second question
for you are you ready for it yes okay
it's a bit it's a bit long one what
changes would you like to happen to have
a better
um it's a good
question I'm gonna I'm gonna bring it
back to politics because unfortunately
everything in this world is is around
politics there politics or that's last
year and
um for me like I I'll would say
like with the changes that needs to be
that that needs to happen or I'd like to
happen would ideally for me I'd love to
see you know it happen
around better policies involved um and
again more involvement in the youth but
unfortunately because of how you know
the structure of you know everything is
structured in politics
um there's not much like involvement in
the youth because a lot of Youth are not
involved in voting I think there's about
a third young people who are not even
registered to vote so a lot of people in
power they don't want to involve the the
youth in their in their manifestos um so
I'd say if I can make a change it would
be getting the youth voice heard more
and that's why I do work around youth
employment and you
know also you know like I did my
head I'd love to see like a new like
political party that really is
just all about um democracy and all
about involving the youth and involving
the people like an independent party
that really stands on their wor
um yeah yeah that's what I would say
once again I really love that answer
thank you thank you we got one more
question for
you how are you involved in making
decisions about what matters to
you yeah good
question so for
myself um I'm a big believer in like
just doing what you want to do and
living your own life not letting people
tell you to live your life be pressure
to live your life in a certain aspect um
so for me that's the main way having
power over your day-to-day your life and
having that power and I feel like a lot
of people don't feel they have that
power because they feel pressured they
have to go to maybe University or they
have to work that job or they have to
live a certain facade to keep up with um
people's expectations whether it's their
family you know saying they should go to
that job or to that University or
whether it's you know their partner
whether it's
they their you know their their goals
itself but the truth is while you're
um you know you should always feel even
whenever you're not young just always
feel like you have power and control
over your life you know I think that's
really important and myself how I how I
get involved in you know things around
community that you know that really mean
something to me so I I work with um I do
quite a few different things but my my
the things I'm really passionate about I
work with two
Charities um both in my local community
and they both expand beyond my local
community too but they they um they
started in my local community one's all
about youth employment Youth Development
youth engagement and other one's about
unpl youth voices um and we work on like
workshops mentoring training programs um
you know just really giv the youth a
platform to express their ideas and to
express their thoughts and visions um as
we know sometimes in the educational
system educational system it's not the
best so even providing extra workshops
around financial literacy around public
speaking around mental health it gives
the young people an edge and it gives
young people hope um I'm also involved
in in other initiatives like um you know
Vu so like reduction unit um against
like um antiviolence and just making
sure that you know people complain about
for example people complain about
problems happening with violence and
whatnot but if you're not part of the
solution or trying to become part of the
solution you know complaining is not
going to get much results sometimes um
so I make sure I get involved in that
aspect and you know whether I can just
help out and involve myself in the
community or involve myself in you know
just building young Future Leaders and
building people up for me is key I'm a
I'm really big on the self as the aspect
of self-help motivational and that's why
I published my book um in that in that
specific industry um to really spread
the message and you know to really allow
people to excel in different areas of
yes I did not know you have a
book what's your book yeah so my book is
called the nature of hard
work uh hard work and motivation of hard
work of hard work yeah yeah yeah yeah
it's a self-held book um it's literally
a a guy it's hard
to excel as I say in different areas of
life um and it stems around like hard
work motivation um and the idea behind
it came from so I appr when I was 17 but
idea behind it came from when I used to
do athletic track and field and that you
know when you do Sports I was like you
I was I was competing at a very high
performing level um you know in
different countries in my County as
number one in the UK I was like top five
top seven and a lot of you learn a lot
of things about hard work motivation and
you become naturally motivational you
have to take on positions of like
leadership as a captain and then you
just you know you just have a lot of
things and you you you have to become
very strong mentally and physically
and then if you're like KN about myself
you want to get back and a lot of that
is like around being um
selfless so yeah
I I looked up the book as well thank you
you know the interesting fact about my
book right so i' I've done over 100
copies in the UK over 100 copies in
India 50 copies in the
US and and one in Australia yeah it's
pretty sick you know it's pretty sick
when I think about that must be such a
cool feeling this might be the first
book I
read yeah definitely you should
definitely it's a small book as well
which makes it easier to read my next
book I publish will be much longer um
which should be interesting very I think
it's gon to be a very very good book
because that that first book was when I
was 17 this book is going to be a much
older much wiser and have more resources
to develop it are you writing it right
now um yeah I'm in the planning res
research part um been working it since
like last year um it's going to take a
while to like complete it and yeah like
even just like I'm going to do like a
book launch it's gonna be very massive
um yeah it's gonna be very fun very cool
very cool I have it set up like yeah I
want to get like people involved um yeah
I want to really make it
exciting yeah I'm really looking forward
to it really looking forward to it yeah
how many drafts
do I have any drafts of the book yeah
yeah no I only have like drafts of each
chapter so like I have like like nine I
maybe 13 chapters or something like that
and I have like each chapter like a
whole like page or what on the right on
and I keep adding new things every
single time and then I'm just going to
take off each point from each section of
different chapters I'm really expanding
it in depth and do a lot more research
on it ask if people had th for's
yeah you can always ask for M I'm always
available to Give
opinions thank you I'll tell I'll
definitely I'll definitely ask
you one moment to do
after is there meant to be more
questions can I miss out on some
questions I think that's all the
questions and then
normally you just it's like an outro um
saying where where this video might be
around yeah okay my
outro thank you so much for letting
me okay thank you for so so much for
letting me ask you questions it was
lovely having
you byebye
everyone you can stop

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