I do poetry but my writing started with prose prose prose and only latterly has been verse verse verse verse.
I'd have the devil's own job posting any poetry on here though.
To my surprise I've found myself putting together some prose pieces of late, knocking some bits out in that area so I'll put up the ones I've been writing and take things from there (Not today but real soon)
A little off-topic I guess but of late I've been giving the old keep-fit a tryout once more. I thought this was not for me. My body seemed to start cracking up when I got into keep-fit so I'd cry-off. But I'm showing signs of being a keep-fit zealot on the quiet so I've been of necessity tanking-up on supplements...
Should give one a bit more go for the blogging and such like
Tell you what. I moved to Hulme 8/9 years back so I go past the givers-out of -free clubbing passes regularly enough on my way to the shops at night
To begin with I'd score the odd one or so. For some years not
It must be the new spring in my step or something. Scored one of those passes the other day, night
Sure made my day I can tell you
Ed Kangai