This young person is concerned about the opportunities for youth voice and talks about the oppression of freedom of speech in how protesters are treated. She feels there are opportunities to get involved once you are connected to a system, but these aren't always easy to find initially and some are more meanignful than others. Storyteller idenitifes barriers and challenges to career development, either through lack of opportunity, funding, social circumstance or lack of support in the work place. She notes a lack of suport for inclusion in schools around culture and disability. She is very active in volunteering and creates change and positivity where she can.

This story was gathered by a youth advocate from the Equality Trust as part of a project called Reconstructing the Social Contract. 10 young people trained as community reporters and spoke to people aged between 16 and 25 in the United Kingdom to explore what impacts young people's life chances and their relationship with the state.

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