I've been joined today by Fay, uh, who's one of our volunteers, And she has, uh, several several different volunteer roles. Um, hi, Fay. You OK? Hi. I'm fine

Thanks. Yeah. So would you like to tell me a little bit about the different volunteer roles that you, um, do at the moment? Yeah, certainly

Um, So I started my volunteering as, um, learning to host the talk and support groups. Um, mostly general, um, and so occasionally specific. So sometimes I do the menopause group, Um, and the new to epilepsy group

Um, and then I became a befriender because I thought, um, what a great service it is. Um, and this means that I do, um, calls for of 30 minutes. And, um, we talk to people, uh, for 12 weeks running, and, um, I think it really makes a difference to people

Um, and it's lovely because you notice people warming up and becoming more confident throughout those calls. How's your volunteering journey been so far? I feel really privileged to be a volunteer, and I'm really enjoying it. Um, I think it makes a real difference to people's lives

Um, and and that's what I love about it, so I've really enjoyed it. Right? Have there been any, um, challenges with volunteering? Um, all of it's been a challenge. To be honest, I never would have seen myself, um, doing these things

Certainly not. Um, um, running a talk and support group. That's not really me

But, um, I think what spurred me on is just knowing the difference. I know the difference it made to my life, um, attending talk and support groups. And, um, so that's why I'm doing it

And that's why it's given me confidence. Because I know how much difference it can make to people. And also people at the groups tell us how much they appreciate it, Which is lovely

Yeah, that is lovely to hear. So you've just touched on that a little bit there. Um, how does the volunteering in general kind of make you feel? Uh, it makes me feel, um, valuable makes me feel a valued part of somebody else's life, even though it's a stranger

Um, because, uh, especially when they tell you, um, because you know you're making a difference. You can see that, Um, particularly in befriending when you hear people. Um, just warming up and, um, becoming more confident in themselves when they tell you about their life and their work

Um, And you you can feel that you've helped them, which is lovely, because I know how much it's helped me. Do you feel empowered as well as a volunteer? Absolutely. Yes

Um, I think I think it's to do with the confidence. Um, doing the volunteering not only helps the people, um, that you're aiming to help, but I found it helps me as well. It's given me more confidence

Um, because epilepsy is a funny thing. It really knocks your confidence. It can really dent you as a person

Um, and so to be able to, you know, talk and support groups, I get as much out of them as the people attending. Um, and so that is really empowering. And I can see it being empowering for other people, which is great

Yes. I mean, we talked about having the confidence to, like, run a talk and support group, so yeah, I can, um I can understand how, like when you felt like you couldn't be able to do that. But now that you do it, that must be like, really empowering, Um, that you've kind of progressed to be able to actually run the group and kind of be in charge of, you know, things and that's that's that's good to hear

Obviously, that links into your well being as well and how you feel. Um, do you feel it? The volunteer, The volunteering kind of supports your well being? Absolutely. Yes

Um, it's partly it is I. I keep talking about it, but it's partly, um, the well-being you feel from seeing the well being of other people improving and knowing that they've got a place where they can come to, uh and where they're understood and where they can make their voice heard and where they can ask all the all the difficult questions that maybe they don't have people around them to, um, to ask those questions. But But we feel like a family

So, um, we understand. And we can we can help them. And you, you said, I mean, you say people come and talk to you about their issues

Um, do you yourself feel, um, you know, heard as a volunteer? Oh, yes, definitely. Um, as far as the the well-being goes, Um, I'm as much a part of the of the talk and support group as they are. Um, and I'm as much, you know, I'm the other half of the befriending

So, um, we can learn from each other. Um, as far as um, being heard by epilepsy action. Absolutely

Um, we're part of the development of that. We're part of epilepsy action going forward, and our voices are always heard. Um, and I appreciate that, Um, there, you know, it's it's a huge thing to be a volunteer and to have your voice heard as well Your voice I

I feel like my voice is as valuable as as maybe somebody that works there. From what we've talked just talked about. Sounds like you're enjoying your experience of volunteering

So what do you think you would say to anybody who was a bit unsure about whether they wanted to volunteer? What would you say to them? I'd say, Do it, Do it. It made. It's made such a difference to my life doing it

And when I first attended a open support group, um, it was so helpful and made a difference. And now to be actually helping uh, uh, sort of being part of the team. Um um, running the the talking support groups and doing the befriending

It's made such a difference to my life. Um, and it's given me the confidence, um, to know that I'm making a difference. Do you think that volunteering needs to change in any way in the future at all? No, I don't think it does

Um, and the reason is I think volunteering needs to be, um, a personal thing. I think volunteering is the the public face of an organisation. And it has to be

It's the thing that people can relate to talking to people who are are representatives of that organisation. Um, so, no, I would say, I don't think it does need to change. Right? Well, Fay, it's been lovely to talk to you

It's been great to, um, hear about your volunteering story. And, um, I'm glad to hear as well, um, that you're having a positive experience of volunteering and your thoughts on, um, the future of volunteering as well. So thank you very much

It's been great to talk to you.

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