Prescriptions have been fine, if not better than before: they’re all done remotely now so I can order what I need and collect it from a pharmacy near me, all without having to go to the GP surgery.
I tried organising therapy but there was a bit of a disconnect between the doctors and the providers of the service. The service providers wanted information that the GP surgery were adamant they didn’t need to give (they didn’t), and it was difficult phoning one with questions, hanging up, phoning the other to report the answers only to be met with more questions and repeating the process all over again (each new phone call including spending quite some time on hold/in a queue). The service was pretty rubbish too. It felt impersonal over the phone, and if you miss their telephone call once, they discharge you from the service. Really not helpful and left me feeling pretty neglected and alone.
Not so much at the time but in future, if I’m looking for help, I wouldn’t want to burden a family member or friend whose job isn’t to be a counsellor, but I don’t feel as though I could turn to anywhere else.