I live in an end terrace and want to address the amount of rubbish that is frequently dumped and left at the end of my alley gate. Usually in the form of old furniture, beds, old prams and toys along with general waste. We are not the only terrace with this problem. Having spoken to Salford environmental services on many occasions (always politely) it can still take up to 10 days for them to come and clear up. This also uses up valuable time of environmental waste operatives (formerly known as bin men!) On the last occasion I suggested that perhaps people were dumping things and walking away because the council charge a £20 pick up fee, and perhaps if the pick up was free things would get reported and collected more smoothly. The (very nice) lady I spoke to replied that they do have to cover the costs of their petrol so this is unlikely to change. Fly tipping is a crime and is (hopefully) dealt with by the environmental crime department. Given the amount of vermin and pests making unwelcome visits to our streets, maybe we should be addressing the route of the problem and find a way to dispose of things more cheaply and amicably.