Portobello Road

Portobello Rumpelstiltskin

We'd only just left the vintage clothing store and was strolling to a sandwich shop on Portobello, 

when me and Pina were approached by this fascinating little guy who began to chat to us!

Yes, a rather bold, no, precocious little fellow!

"You are beautiful," he said. Pina looked at me and I at her; we smiled politely but we didn't comment.

“Where are you from?” he said looking at me, "Jamaica?"

Easy to say, "yes" so I did. Pina replied, “Italy."

"When were you born?” he asked me, "1960, 70's or 80's?"

I replied, "1950's."

Then he smiled broadly, oh yes, he did!


"Such a beautiful woman, you are married? No?" He said as he took my hand and looked for a ring.

Pina's face looked shocked, but I smiled at her then looked back at him.

"Divorced," I replied. So now here's the thing,

like Rumpelstiltskin he smiled, no, really laughed with glee!


"It's good for me, no? That you're single don't you see?"

This crazy man didn't stand a chance! Not a hope in hell! 

But I was very smart not to give him my tell!

"Where are you from?" I smiled comfortable that any threat from him had long been assessed.

After all he was but a slight 5'2" at best and me? Well, in heels at least 5'8!" 


I smiled down at him asking again. "Where are you from?" I asked giving him the bait.

He smiled at us then skipped in front like a child, and then back to my side.

"Yugoslavia," he said, "but I've been around."

"I'm sure you have," I replied.

"Like where else have you lived, which other towns?"

"Everywhere," he said.

He was a ‘modern day 'Stiltskin’ if ever there was one, for sure, I thought with a slight frown.

Evasive at first, he frolicked so much that with the right costume one could mistake him for a circus clown!

Then he spoke in Italian! Who knew? He and Pina conversed.

She explained, " he lived in Austria 100 km from Udine in Italy."

Although polite, Pina wrinkled her nose as he moved into her personal space. As he did so, trust me, she adjusted her distance from him expertly.

At Subway's door I said, "This is where we are going." 

Then, as if on a dime my countenance changed.

Instead of Caribbean warmth he got a cold, menacing stare,

with only one interpretation, don't dare follow us here!

With that he gave a big smile, looked at the crowded store then, without hesitation, quickly walked away.

Later Pina professed she didn't like that he entered our personal space.

"He smelt of alcohol…yes, he was drunk! You could see it on his face!"

She was right, so I said, "True, but there were two of us."

"Besides I'd assessed the risk, and with his height, there was no need to fuss."

So if you're walking on Portobello Road, 

Be sure to look out for this modern-day Rumpelstiltskin!

How will you know him?

Not bad-looking, he'll approach with a disarming smile.

He’ll try to flatter you, guess the decade of your birth, your homeland and marital status. 

Of course, some may say it's a ruse to lift your wallet.

But I say, he's a friendly drunk trying to chat up any old whatchamacallit!

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