When the chance of early retirement was first mentioned to me I was very wary of the idea. It has turned out to be the best move for me. I moved from Knott -End to Manchester to be nearer my sister. 

I see my close family on a regular basis and my week is filled with a variety of enjoyable activities.

Each Monday I volunteer at Salford Disability Forum working as part of a team where members can contact if they have any issues or queries they wish to raise and we can either answer their query or direct them to the right area to resolve the matter.

Every other Tuesday I attend the Innovation Forum where I am a recognised Community Reporter with "Essence" the disability magazine for the people of East Salford. When I am at the Innovation Forum my target is to post two articles on the Community Reporter Website.

Each Wednesday I attend a Luncheon Club run by the W.R.V.S I get a taxi from my bungalow to the Guild Centre in Walkden at 11.45 a.m. We have a two course lunch and after we have finished we play dominoes. I usually phone for a taxi back home around 14.15 p.m.

Normally we have choir practice on Wednesday evening the choir master picks me up and drops me home when we finish.

On Thursday I go to an art group at Walkden Road Methodist Church where we are at present completing a 12 week course as a student of Salford College.

Thursday afternoon I go to St Paul's Community Centre to play "Mah-jong" provided by U3A between 14.00 p.m. and 16.00 p.m. 

At 18.40 p.m. in the evening a member of my family picks me up and takes me to "Moorside High School for the rehearsal of Salford Community Choir. We have performed at several venues around the area. I really enjoy singing so it is ideal.

On Friday's I go to the Gym with my youngest nephew we are there for a couple of hours and then he takes me home. I have a shower as soon as I get in and then I order a takeaway for my tea.

Saturday is a recovery day I have nothing regular planned so I just relax.

Each Sunday I attend St. Paul's Church in Walkden where I am a member of the choir. 

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