hello guys my names georgia . im having  great time at innovations forum. i'm learning on how to become a community reporter. training is really useful . i was directed here by salford being well service as im on a weight loss journey. i had 10 stone to lose ive lost 4 stone since september 2014 i was 22stone at my biggest and couldnt get on a ride when i was on a family holiday . thats when i realised i needed to do something . i approched being well salford and they are helping me every step of the way . great advise on better eating and  more excersice . im now 17stone 12lb feeling very happy and feeling healthier still got some way to go but finding it easier having the support of being well salford .  i think i can benifit from people knowing my story as it helps to keep me motivated and also hopefully motivate others who are also thinking of doing the same thing . im very happy to become part of community reporters . thanks for taking your time to read my story :)

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