For my fourth year physics project i have decided to build a spark chamber to detect radiation coming from the top of our atmosphere. When the radiation goes through the chamber it will be announced with a great crack as electricity inside breaks down the air between small sheets of metal.

I've been searching for an idea for a project for 3 months now and nothing has taken my interest until now. Working with high voltages and cosmic radiation sounds fun and interesting and with any luck the people who interview me for a job after university will give me a job.

This idea was suggested by our laboratory technician who had a number of project ideas stored away, after looking through 3 others this one immediately took my imagination, It is going to be refreshing to have something engaging to do alongside exams.

Many people who haven't gone into physics, or even the sciences in general, may find my passion for electricity and cosmic radiation from space mystifying, i realise that everyone has things which they are passionate about. Sometime it is good to be able to voice your interests regardless of how alien they are to everyone else.



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