A few days ago, Kuumba Imani millennium centre hosted Liverpool Housing Trust’s winter warmer
event ‘ Keep Warm, Keep Well’,  for LHT tenants, the poor people, who
are in financial crisis. It was a day of advice on how to stay warm and
safe this winter.  Also LHT workers  gave people free benefit advice
about    plus  they gave people booklets about called ‘Six simple steps
to save your money’.

Use less and low energy  (Saving  £95)
Stop heat and draughts (Saving £ 100)
Don’t leave electrical goods switched on (Saving £ 90)
Don’t waste water (Saving £ 18)
Buy energy saving appliances and use them more effectively (saving £10)
Take control of your heating (Saving £ 50)

(Total potential saving per year from six steps £363. )
from Toxteth Community Reporters

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