
By Richard Stockwell

The Lowry, 27 January 2012

Future Shock

A real interesting science-fiction piece it is, as well.

Like the best sci-fi, it sheds a sometimes piercing light on present day concerns: our darling and very dear financial crisis, those cuts in public spending, the fragility of society and pro-social sentiments generally.  There is maybe too an oblique dig at PFI, all that living on the never-never.

The story focuses on Laura (Alice Brockway), a woman who awakens, or is revived, several centuries into the future.  You can expect fine performances all around – Christine Clare and Phil Minns are the other cast members – in a play replete with ideas.  Clare plays a clone very well – a remark that is intended as a compliment, promise – as a pernickety, anal, jobsworthy type.  It must be difficult to project emotion when your character is a being that’s in most respects emotionless.

An entertaining and thought-provoking play, which is showing again tonight.  Details here.

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