Clive Wickham an  Ellesmere Port businessman who started his business in August 2011.  I had the opportunity of meeting Clive to find out more about his business. He said he wanted a career change from the pressures he was experiencing at the time.  He decided to leave his job which he worked 16 hour days which were very stressful and buy a Snack Van. He has been building the business up by personal recommendation He gets regulars from the Industrial Estate and HGV Drivers from the Continent & Ireland who come for something to eat they recommend Clive to other HGV Drivers There are several Snack bars in the vicinity during the day but Clive researched and found there was a gap in the market as there were no Snack Bars  from 6pm till late where there was a need for his service.

Clive is based on the Deeside Industrial Estate from Monday to Thursday evenings also at Cheshire Fisheries in Tattenhall Saturday & Sundays, he has built up a good clientele over the short period he has been based in the two areas.

His Service provides a service for Vegetarians, healthy eating customers as well as cooking breakfasts, snacks a variety of hot & cold non-alchoholic drinks

Clive is self sufficient he even prepares his own accounts. If you are on the Deeside Industrial Estate of an evening or at Cheshire Fishers in Tattenhall during the weekend why not go and pay him a visit today. Go to his web site for more information at





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