Remember to leave comments on other users' blogs. It makes the blogspace more of a conversation than a postboard.
*You can check other users by name as well as 'recent posts'.
*Blogs & comments may be edited.
*Give constructive criticism and be thoughtful with your comments. Tailor your comment to the perceived experience of the writer – a new writer may not want or need huge detail and lots of editing suggestions.
Four lines is usually enough feedback.
Where Your Commonword Blogs Go
Your Blogs will go onto the site (ie here!) There is a feed from this site to Commonword's facebook site (search for 'Commonword Cultureword' in facebook to find us). In blogging here, you are therefore agreeing to being published via the feed to Commonword's facebook site. There are about 200 visitors a month to Commonwod's facebook site. To help facebook, you might want to add your name with the title eg 'Poem Title by Jo Briggs' rather than just 'Poem Title'. This way your name is fed to Commonword's facebook site, along with the poem instead of just the poem.
Blog Needs Comments
A quick reminder: bloggers should leave comments on others' work before blogging themselves. Blog once, comment twice, is a good rule of thumb.