Camerados are people around the world who think the best way through tough times is to look out for each other. We use the principles in daily life and some of us create places called Public Living Rooms.

These are places where you can go and just ‘be’ - no agenda, no outcomes, no stress - just somewhere to be alongside each other. People in communities receive a toolkit called “Public Living Room in a box” from the small team which supports the movement - the Association of Camerados (AOC). Boxes have gone out all across the UK and the world. Spoon Room is a way to capture the spirit of a Public Living Room in the more structured, time-bound environment of a videocall.

It was co-developed by AOC and a camerado called Nadja in Berlin who works at an amazing company called ConsciousU. They bring their expertise in Listening Circles to help companies develop a conscious tribe and transform their organisation. They have been inecredibly generous during this process.


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