On entering our cabin we focused on a huge silver platter on the cabinet between our beds covered and topped with canapés, caviar with a magnum of champagne nestling in silver bucket perched on top. Nearby a tray of upturned crystal flute glasses sparkled on top of crested coasters. Wow! I thought what a wonderful reception although it had been mentioned that there was a welcome aboard party for us on an upper deck but to think, all this as well!

As we pondered at the platter the phone rang and it was a colleague, Mark Kossowski, whom we had befriended that day and he was a bingo manager with the company, traveling with his mother. He asked if we would join them for the welcome aboard party. ‘Yes, sure,’ I said, ‘but what about the champagne and stuff in the cabin?’ ‘What champagne?’ He asked. ‘The mound of munchies and Moet’ I said, ‘in our cabin have you started on yours?’ ‘Don’t believe you he replied. ‘Well come on down’ was my invitation. That he did collecting other managers and directors along the way, who squeezed into our cabin with curious commitment. They were shocked at the ‘pyramid of delights,’ especially a director who exclaimed ‘We haven’t got this in our rooms’ the phrase echoed from the rest. ‘Well, what the hell lets make a start’ I said so the cork was popped without me worrying that I may have the wrong cabin and off we set crunching the caviar and slurping the champers.

  We gathered even more gatecrashers by the minute. Eventually as some of the party left, very merry and well fed, I began to clear up the mess. After the feast I noticed some writing on the large doyley which was now uncovered. ’Mr. Bottomley please ring 606’ it read and so I did. After only a few rings a mature voice answered ‘Head Chef’ I explained who I was and the reply was.‘I’ll be right there! and put down the phone. We waited not knowing just what would happen next and after a short time through the door marched an immaculately dressed head chef with yet another magnum of champagne. Now I was really confused since he introduced himself and welcomed us all aboard. We gazed in amazement as he smiled and placed the bottle by the empty platter. ‘Let me explain’ he calmly began ‘Mrs. Bottomley?’ My then wife Dot raised her hand to identify herself. ‘Well,’ he said, ‘your mother and my mother are friends back in Ormskirk and she told me you were on this trip, so I’m giving you a special welcome. If there’s anything you need on this cruise let me know.’ Now that was a good start to our holiday, but how could I possibly repay him?

Well some months later when he was on leave he had the privilege of visiting Tiffany’s nightclub in Southport where I worked and he enjoyed chicken and chips in the basket with a pint of lager on the house.

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