Donna speaks about how volunteering has helped her when she struggled with her mental wellbeing and highlights how important continuous support from services is.
I don't know. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview. So, um, I was wondering what's life like for you at the moment. Uh, that's good at the minute
Is it good? Why is that? Got a lot of things going on. So what kind of things? Um, coffee morning. I run a coffee morning, um, I run a mental health group
Uh, job fair club thing. Um, keep himself busy. Yeah
So what is not always the case when you say life is good at the moment. And um my head's feeling. Yeah
What is it like when your head's not feeling? Great. Is this don't talk to nobody. And I assume in sort of in a, where there's lots of towers and flats, that's quite easy, isn't it? Yeah
I assume you're not, not the only one, is this, do you think that. Loads on here. Yeah
Yeah, and then just isolate themselves. How do you get out of that? Suppose you give yourself a good kick up the book. OK
You can only bring yourself out of it. No one can bring you out of it. Yeah
Only you can help yourself. Yeah. It's quite hard, isn't it, when, because when you're down, it's like it's really hard to motivate yourself so massive well done for doing that
So life is much better now. So what, what are your hopes and dreams for the future? Um. I don't know, in the future, I want a good job
Don't know what yet, yeah. And you started working towards that haven't you with the job club and taking on training, which is amazing. And how, how did this happen? Have you had any support? Well, it started off with er Marie O'Malley from customer engagement, is it? Public health, public health, um
Got in touch with her, started coffee morning with with Marie, er, and April, and April's no longer working with us. Um. And obviously in Um, and a few others have helped me along the way
Is this when you mentioned Marie, Marie has been around here forever, hasn't she? Do you think that is one of the key things to make a difference in people's lives, just having a constant person as well. And I suppose I get to know you, trust, trust the big thing. Yeah, yeah
What do what do people need to do to earn services? What do services need to do to earn people's trust? Just consistency? Mhm. Yeah Yeah, basically don't just pop on and pop off. Yeah
Which has happened a lot here, hasn't it? Yeah. That's really good. Well, thank you
Thank you..