A reflective interview with a young person exploring their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the CONTINUE project.

so happy, to be honest. Happy? Yeah, I felt happy I went to school, but, uh, bit worried. Yeah, about what was gonna happen for enough. Yeah, But it wasn't

It wasn't too bad. No. And then what sort of things? When you were going through that first lockdown where everyone basically had to stay at home, What were the sort of things? Oh, yeah

Thank you. Thanks so much. Um, so how did it when you, um when you were going through it and sitting home? What sort of things did you get up to? Uh, I used to because, um, I have this, like, Forest Place next to my house

And me and my brothers and sisters. She used to always go on, like, walks in there and stuff. No one really goes in there

So it was It was a good thing to do. Or we would go in the back garden and, uh, have, like, spend some time in the back garden, But most of the time, And then that was it. Yeah

And what was What was that? Like spending that time with them? It it was nice. It was nice, to be honest. Yeah, because I've I've not really got a bit boring at times

Quite boring. Um, but I always found something to do. Yeah, I guess

Yeah. And how did you like? What did you do? Um, like, for yourself as well. So you were spending time with people like you could be around you

What were you doing? Like when you were just alone? Like, did you enjoy what you were doing? Was it, like, nice or well, I Well, obviously, I started doing Tik tok, so I got a bit. I got quite a lot of followers on there from it, Um, and then I kinda I kinda I kind of found myself a little bit from making tiktok. You know, I I found I found a new style, um, and everything

So So, Yeah, that was That was what was that sort of style? What did you discover that? Well, I'm more Well, I used to dress dress up from just all black and basic hoodies and stuff. I started dressing up in like, um, demon short shorts, demon jackets and and stuff like that. And more colourful things, I guess

So Did you, um, like, what have you thought about maybe, why it was easier for me to do that in lockdown. I think maybe because, like, not everyone was around to judge me and not everyone was like, Why are you wearing that? Why are you wearing that? Do you know what I mean? Sure. So when everything sort of eased off, um, and you were, like, allowed back outside

And did you kind of keep that, or was there something like to me? What you sort of feel? I did keep it. But then obviously, people started seeing stuff like why? What? What's that about? Like, just looks stupid. And what's that? I did lose interest in the style, and I back to Black and Grey, but, um, no

Yeah, it was It was It was nice having that style for that amount of time. Yeah. And do you think, like, what was your feeling coming out of it all in relation to sort of everything Sort of easing off and being able to go back outside

Glad. Yeah, definitely glad being able to go back out and meet your mates all the time. It was It was definitely a good, good good feeling

Yeah, and What was your feeling? Kind of going back to a form of education as well. I was happy, to be honest, to be going back to school, Um, mostly to see everyone. Um, but it was It was a bit rocky at the start, at least because I I hadn't been at school for a while

Um, and then obviously from that rocking extend it look like getting kicked out because I lost, like, control of myself because I haven't been there for so long. Um, so that's one bad thing about another bad thing about it, is it? Got me, Uh, my behaviour more wild than it should have been. More thorough

Yeah. And you with everything. With everything easing off now, like with restrictions basically lifted

How do How does that feel? It feels good. I can find the go places. I can go for meals

Uh, I can go out with my mates, go shop at centre, go shopping. It's good. It's nice

Whatever. Yeah. So the last sort of thing, If you could If you could ring you in March 2020 when everything was just locking down, what advice would you give me? That's our question

Um, definitely. I would tell myself to enjoy it more than I did, because even though it was boring at times and all that it was, it was quite a good summer. Spending time with my family

Um, I tell myself to carry on doing Tik toks and not to, like, stop doing them. Maybe just not to worry as much, because now it's over. I've realised it's all It's all all right now, Um, I would have told myself to actually leave the school work as well


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