It has been observed that in many instances, media people have personally witnessed the escalation of genocide and other crimes of war due to conflict fostering and genocidal media. The case to never forget is that of the former Rwandan ‘Radio des Milles Collines’. Media people played a key role in inciting people to violence.

It has also been acknowledged that in post-conflict contexts where the society was torn apart through words as well as other weapons, almost all radio stations or newspapers and journalists are often affiliated with a highly partisan political party or a local power.

Patterns of professional journalistic ethics and responsibility are often in decline and, as a result, the level of professionalism of local media outlets is often relatively low. One of the biggest problems faced by media relates to the lack of skills. In fact, in a post conflict situation, the media need more training programmes that will allow them fill the gap left by decades of war.

Peace and investigative journalists try to uncover the causes behind a conflict and goals of all participants while making sure to humanize all victims. Possible solutions and trying to prevent further escalation of the conflict is at the centre of peace and investigative journalism.

In order to counter war and hate propaganda, there is need to technically and practically focus on strengthening local and indigenous media as a structure that is neutral to be peace-oriented through building their capacities and skills in journalism exercise

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