By Bikeke Saimon

KASESE: Despite efforts by the local authorities to bring Cultivators and Pastoralists in Kasese together, conflicts still continue to occur between the two parties.

The recent spark-off took place Wednesday in the scheme ward, Nyamwamba division Kasese Municipality whereby one of the herdsmen identified as Oyo Nyaika grazed over 100 cows in a maize and cotton farms belonging to Saidi Guma and Jenifer Muhindo.

According to Saidi Guma, his ten acres of maize were destroyed by the uncontrolled cows that were left grazing on a free range system in the area.

He says he was expecting to yield 8000kgs of maize from his farm.

“Having an acre of land to cultivate in the scheme is costly; many of those you see in the farms use loans to have their dreams successful, however this is now erased as i expected over 2million to clear both the bank loan and have my children back to school,” Saidi added.

The same hurting experience was shared by Jenifer Muhindo who lost her 9000kgs of cotton worth 2,250,000shs had already harvested to thieves as she was chasing after the stray cows.

According to the Kasese municipal enforcement officer Joseph Basaliza, the stray cows were impounded and confirmed to ujk that the owners will pay the cost of destruction to the farmers and a fine to council before accessing their cows.

For many years Cultivators and Pastoralists have been at crossroads over their two different economic activities with the former accusing the latter of sabotage.

Despite efforts to stem down the impasse by government, conflicts between the two parties still exist.

The Kasese district chairperson Sibendire Bigogo Geoffrey says they will strengthen the earlier council resolution to have the conflicts between the pastoralists and cultivators settled for ever.

Areas like, Karusandara, Nyakatonzi, Bigando, Busunga, Hima and Kisojo in Kasese have remained in fighting over land sharing which both claim it was shared unfairly by government.

In 2006-2007 Government through the ministerial commission that was initiated to resettle Basongora in the areas of conflict, gave cultivators and pastoralists the ratio of 1:3 respectively.


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