You can't knit but would like to learn? Or maybe you are a wicked knitter and would like to share your skills with others.

Posters were placed in the windows of shops to the North, South , East and West of Leyburn and as a result  twenty ladies with various knitting talents turned up for the first knit and natter session at Warlands Tea Room in the market place on a cold winters night at the end of January.

They now meet fortnightly. It is very hard to explain the "magic" of the knit and natter sessions, but there certainly is some special bond between ladies of all ages and all knitting abilities sitting down together and just concentrating on their various knitting projects . For instance one lady, Pam came to the first session , she was very nervous of meeting new people but we knew she was a very good   knitter and as Mary had bought some lovely ribbon wool to knit a scarf and didn't have a clue how to go about it we  sat the two of them together and Pam very soon lost her inhibitions and Mary was soon knitting away, she wore her new scarf with pride at the next session. Rona  got a lovely surprise on Mothers Day. She said "My daughter bought me this lovely knitting bag, I usually get a bar of soap so this was much nicer". Everyone sits at a different table each week, so we are getting to know one another well and not only are yarns knitted - yarns are spun too!

The evening ends with a delicious home made cake . This is served at 8.30 p.m. and as most of the ladies do not want "sticky" wool 9 p.m. seems the natural time to pack up and go home.

The future is looking bright with the owners of Wensleydale Wool coming soon to give us a demonstration of how their wool can be used and we get a chance to buy some lovely locally spun wool too.

We do have a waiting list - so anyone wanting to join us for either a knit or a natter or maybe both please ring me Diana on 01969 623897.






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