The volunteer team at Gayle Mill, in Wensleydale, celebrated the arrival of spring in style last weekend.

During a family fun morning local children took part in heritage craft activities to make wooden plant pots and card their own wool. They also enjoyed making lamb pom pom key rings and learning about specially made traditional wooden gates – keeping those lambs safe and sound in the fields. Supervising the woodworking activity was volunteer Martin Olney. After instructing the children on how to use a hammer and nail the event organisers are pleased to report he still has all of his fingers and thumbs!   

Samantha, Education Co-ordinator, said “the day was really great fun for the children and the parents. I was delighted to see a lot of the Dads were very interesting in making the wool pom poms rather than the wooden plant pots, their helping often turned into taking over, creating cute little  lambs all of their own. The children were surprised to learn where wool comes from and how it is made. It goes without saying they were over the moon with their plant pot holders – you could really see the look of achievement on their faces when the four sides and the base had been hammered together and stamped with the Gayle Mill logo”

During the day the team raised £105.40. Gayle Mill Trust would like to thank local families for attending and taking part in the event.

The next family event at the Mill takes place on Saturday 2nd June. Visit or call 01969 667320 for more information.  

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