More news today in the Telegraph on the Jimmy Savile scandal. Daily reports and updates on this story are getting out of hand. ongoing arguments and bickering at the BBC about who's to blame. entwhistle points the finger at Rippon blah blah blah, STOP IT!!! You've made a few mistakes - no point fighting among yourselves, the real criminal is dead. It's too late to argue. The barn doors open, the horse has bolted, everything you're saying or doing now is futile, like flogging a dead horse!!! But, if, you're still looking for a scapegoat, then why not go hounding the likes of Gary Glitter, he's been named in the recent revelations, and what's more, I think he's still alive! The accusations against Entwhistle are laughable - he's been accused of displaying a LACK OF CURIOSITY!!!!! Since when was this a crime, after all Curiosity killed the cat! Give the guy a break you panic mongers.  Like I said - the real culprit is dead, that evil loathsome man who put the VILE in SAVILE.  He may well have escaped retribution in this life but there is a higher court.

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