Some called them ugly, some thought they were too rusty, some determined that they were dangerous, but everybody agreed that they were the two icons of Ordsall, if not the whole city of Salford. The cranes.. yes, those two blue ones that looked like the times moved on and they refused to move forward with the times, stubbornly holding on to the distant memories of the Docks, ships and the busy bunter of the trade.
Who would call the cranes 'Love' and 'Marriage'? Why would you? Till death do them part? THE CRANES!? What is all that about? Well, somewhere in the middle of the Docks the two cranes stayed together for years, working together loading and unloading the ships traveling from all over the world... just like a couple would, a couple in love would.
When the time came.. when the time came to make a tough decision to take them down.. The cranes that used to serve the public, apparently became a danger to the public, the rust corroded their once magnificent and powerful bodies.. not needed any more.. redundant..
For better or for worse.. and when the worse came, 'Love' and 'Marriage' left the Docks.. disposed... scrap metal..
'Love' and 'Marriage' might have been removed from the Docks, but it doesn't look like it is possible to have them removed from people's hearts. The times moved on. Now the powerful media giants of BBC and ITV connect Ordsall with the world, loading up people's screens with excitement of fast paced media.
Some things change.. usually it's the THINGS that change, but the values remain the same.. love and marriage are still there to fill people's hearts with the sense of warmth and belonging. Time has no power over them. They are there forever to hold and to have.