this is an exclusive to PVM

What we are looking for is whilst you are having a Spring clean out of your homes / wardrobes all donations would be much appreciated  "MEDDERS"  is on a mission to help some friends on a project he is working on to help people  who have lost their personal possesions clothes etc this unit is for men and woman of all ages and if you have any unwanted books or board games that could be available for residents to use untill they move onto other accomodation they would be then I am also after any donations of plants for the main reception area as this is really bare and could do with cheering up so come on folks lets help spread a little  happyness for 2012 share and show others you care!!!  

Your new reporter 

contact me via

or by PVM

or my mobile is 07769634034 any unwanted tins of food etc is also welcome


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