I started a course with Peoples Voice Media and am loving every minute of it. I joined the course to improve my skills as a reporter and vidiographer, as I enjoy filming and taking stills at various events around the City Of Salford and generally where ever I go to.........I have covered such things as the Salford Music Festival, I had a fantastic time doing it. I have covered the recent Marches in Manchester in support of the cuts to local services and also covered the recent Occupancy of the Peace Gardens in St Peters Square Manchester where I spent two and a half weeks living there, whilst documenting life on the camp site of which some of the day to day events I found very disturbing, dealing with drug abuse alcoholics and people with problems abandoned by the systems put in place to support them I am not academically qualified to deal with the problems I came across on a day to day basis but managed to cope and became involved and want to help them less fortunate than myself and help them to have their voices heard and hopefully help direct them to the resources that are available with support to give them a better quality of life . have also covered the central libary refurbishment in manchester, and covered the Peterloo massacre.......have happily buzzed my way along with what ever challenge has been set before me..........Over the last year wow i have had a fantastic time met so many different people made lots of new friends and become part of an extended family my journey began quite simply and has snowballed me into the lime light in so many different ways i could not be happier my life has so changed and i would not swop it for anything. i can proudly say that i am a gold european reporter and have covered royalty have been to westminster abbey with other reporters from PVM and yes in all like to be out there in the hustle and bustle of things..........yes if its interesting or not my lens is poised to bring back the news as it happens so i hope you enjoy some of the stuff that I share with you all........I have to admitt though i have been so busy doing things that I have become a littlelazy at doing vidios and have resorted more to taking some fantastic shots with my new camera and wow is it some nice kit...its a Nikon D60 so yes some awesome pictures have been taken and I 100% certain a lot more will surface in the near future
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