Would you like to get involved with years Election Tales?

We will be Community Reporting on the 2012 local elections in Kirklees, Huddersfield and we’d really like YOU to get involved!

You can see the content that we created last year here: http://electiontales.wordpress.com/


Some things you could do to take part are:

* Vox pops any time in the run up to the elections – ask people whether they’re voting etc.

* Film at local polling stations – record what happens on voting day, Thursday 3rd May.

* Go along to the counting of the postal votes – interview staff, take photos etc.

* Film at the counting of the votes - interview candidates, staff, councillors etc. on Friday 4th May in the morning at Huddersfield Sports Centre.

* Create your own short videos, photos, audio or blogs on the theme of elections and voting.


If you’d like to get involved, we’ll give you some help. For example, we can arrange for you to film at polling stations, and we’ll go with you to the election count and upload your videos whilst you record some more interviews. We’ll give you some advice about how to report on the elections. We’ll also get you a press pass so that you have access to the election count.


If you'd like to take part or if you want more information, please contact:

Diane Sims, Email: diane.sims@kirklees.gov.uk   Tel. 01484 414823









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