Legion branch hold a dance to mark D-Day!

A D-Day commemorative charity dance organised by the SaltcoatsArdrossan and Stevenston British Legion branch has been hailed as a “great success”.

On arrival guests were greeted by branch members in 1940s dress and given a handmade angel to remember those who died on the shores of Normandy.

Photographer for the night and recently appointed MBE, Suzanne Fernando then took her guests off to the photo studio designed in 1940s by legion members Josephine Coffey and Emma Gration before guests were then escorted into the main hall for the main event.

The jam-packed evening began with an introduction by branch president Paul Coffey with an act of respect and remembrance, then guests were entertained by Ayrshire Infinity Choir.

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In between acts guests were entertained by DJ and Singer Mr Al Rimmington and enjoyed the huge selection of foods generously donated by local businesses.

Throughout the evening everyone enjoyed some close-up table magic by the very talented Derek Heron and caricaturist Brian Morrison.

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Once everyone was fed and watered the second interval began with a performance by Janet Martin re-enacting a scene from The Steamie and her childhood.

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Following that guests were then taken outside to be mesmerized by the branch’s headline act “Glasgow Fire Spinner” led by Frazer Mackay.

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The night concluded with a big raffle of prizes all donated by the local community and businesses.

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Branch president, Paul Coffey said: “Our D-Day dance was a great success and I am still getting messages of thanks and praise from the community.

“The list of those to thank is endless and it was mentioned about how much support the Legion has got.”

He added: “A lot of hard work went in to getting things prepared and setting up the night, so thanks to all who helped.”

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