Here are some photos from the 1977 Silver Jubilee Street Party held on Old Road in Blackeley which were taken by my grandad, Henry Spellman. The party was held in Alma's front garden and was quite a cosy affair. It would have been very impractical to have it on the road, as we lived on a very steep hill. On the first photo I am sat next to my best friend Mark who is looking rather sulky in his Jubilee Baseball cap! In the second picture I am wearing a dress which my mother made for me on her Singer sewing machine, she is stood beside me looking quite proud. She used to enjoy knitting and sewing and making jewellery when I was young. The knitting carried on into my teens which also inspired me to knit the odd scarf. In the third picture, Jill, Mark's rather tall older sister poses with a friend who looks like she may have won a prize for something. The final picture is taken from our garden looking down on the party before it started. That is our tent that was lent for the occasion, a sign of the times before gazebo's were easily accessible. Alma is the one balancing what looks like a Christmas Tree on her head. In the background you can see Hexagon House, which me and Mark used to look at perched on the gate posts at his house down the road.