Just found out today from Gary Copitch at that my JTC entry for People's Voice Media  http://communityreporter.co.uk/images/1977-silver-jubilee-street-party-old-road-blackeley-manchester was one of the 60 sucessful entries selected for the Diamond (re)Collection which were presented to the Queen in November on a Samsung Galaxy Note which will be housed at Windsor Castle as part of the Royal Collection. I think my grandad would have been amazed and very pleased that his photos got to be seen by the Queen!  

60 entries were selected by a panel of judges including the director general of The Royal Photographic Society, the Royal Librarian and Telegraph Deputy Editor Benedict Brogan and presented to the Queen by The Royal Commonweath Society on 14th November 2012.

To find out more about the event take a look at this story http://www.techradar.com/news/mobile-computing/tablets/jubilee-time-capsule-inside-the-world-s-largest-online-history-project-1117887

And finally here's the whole Diamond (re)Collection http://www.jubileetimecapsule.org/gallery/index?collection=Diamond%20(re)Collection&floor=The%20Special%20Collections


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