The VOICITYS project is combining social science research techniques and Community Reporting methodologies to support the development of policies and practice that benefit diverse communities in Salford, UK; Berlin-Wedding, Germany; Sassari, Italy and Budapest- Józsefváros, Hungary. The project is co-funded by the European Unions`Rights, Equality and Citizens Programme 2014-2020.
Working with residents of diverse communities in these countries, the consortium consisting out of People's Voice Media, Comparative Research Network, Mine Vaganti NGO, the Institute for Regional Studies at the Hungarian Academy of Science have trained people as Community Reporters and equipped them with the skills to tell, understand and share their own stories on topics and issues pertinent to diversity in neighbourhoods.
These stories (see below) will be curated so that the key findings from them can be ascertained and used to facilitate dialogue on the topic of diversity, inform wider project findings, and support dissemination activities.