I want to give you lots of energy because you are the people
who inspire me to be the best me I can be. To be honest, I only focus on you
when like an insidious pain you force me to acknowledge you, but I get a lot
from you and you really don't know because I am sure you don't actually realise
or that is not your intention.
Joystealers are people who struggle with and against life. They see people who
have the joie de vivre and it really bugs them, so consciously or
sub-consciously they set out to rip the smile off their face. They don't
understand the concept of teamwork or each one teach one. They see someone with
a relaxed disposition and they say something, anything to cause the smile to
slide away like slushy snow.
A joystealer is a the person who you effusively say good morning to and she will
not only ignore you but relish in it holding her head high as she wonders away.
Then when in irritation you ask if there is a problem - she will say I'm fine,
and deny all allegations.
She will also watch and listen from behind doors with the skill of a Russian
Spy from the Mr Bean Academy. It upsets her that you actually enjoy your job and
have a rapport and popularity that she could only dream about. She is just
waiting for you to do something wrong - which unfortunately for her is not very
often. So when you actually do, be prepared for her wrath, it has been
marinating for a while.
Not to focus on their negativity for too long, but in an effort to relieve them
of the annoying habits that create dissension in a work environment. My advice
to anyone who recognises them self is to focus on the joy in your life, it
actually works. What you focus on grows - that is why I am giving you minimum
head space and releasing you to make a change or leave my life and stop riding
You too can live a joyfilled life and I recommend you try it, because what are
the options?

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