Stories of what sharing power means - SCIE Coproduction Festival 4th July 2019

Yes. Yeah, What you said, right, John? I think we might if you can get close. OK, so thank you for this. And would you like to introduce yourself? Yeah, I cle Juliet

I mean, we're gonna We're gonna do this. OK, um, one of the tricks I've been told is I can't talk with your talking because they're gonna use of face. And also, please remind me I just get your consent to sign

I said that. Yeah. Yeah, that's fine

Um OK, so I'm as well I'll ask you, like extra stuff. Just tell us who you are. OK? So I'm Chloe

Juliet. I work for a company called Traverse, and I've been part of the co production network at Sky for years. Ok, um um, so today's theme at this festival is about, uh, production and and sharing the power about, uh how does sharing the power mean to you? Um, I think sharing power is about letting go of the idea that you should be in charge of a service

That's for somebody else. I'm not English, letting your identity of taking care of others become about letting them take care of themselves. And you helping them to do that rather than you taking care of and And And How have you found today so far? Really interesting

It's great to see such a mix of people and so many questions being asked. People are very curious. It's obviously caught on as a thing more than it was a few years ago, and it's really nice to see so many people and so many councils and organisations being so interested in doing co production work

And and do you find that people are doing co production more in the way that service users care as well? I think so. I think it's catching on. Um, I wouldn't wanna give a statistic, because I don't know, but yeah, the impression I get over the is that people are doing it more and more because they're seeing the benefits of it

When they do, we let people inform the decisions that affect them because they do know best. More people see that it works. More people wanna do it

And what advice would you give? Uh, professionals about will be in power? Um, I think I'd say go into the room and be willing to so you you're going with a bunch of aims and objectives, and this is usually due to the funding that you're getting. And that's fine. It's OK to go in with objectives, but you're willing to put them down and just listen to what the person in front of you is saying so that you can understand them and then tracked about today

Thanks for having me. It was lovely. Brilliant

Thank you very much. Thank you. Right

And there is a consent form scribble of your PF to scribble. Um, so I ask you to say to say good, OK, up whatever information that you want to give us, it might be helpful if you if you are representing the organisation, Do I need to explain who it is or do I just Can I just say just say just say as much as what you want, OK? OK, so we so, uh OK. Would you like to say who you are? Yeah

So I'm Mary Gardner and I work for independent age. You're a charity that support older people, and today's festival is about co production and sharing with power. What does that mean to you? Sharing with power sharing power for me just seems that it's the best way to do things and the right way to do

I think we can easily fall into ways of working where we think as professionals and then other people. And actually sharing power is about everybody being equal. Everybody's got equal amounts of experience and information

It's working collaboratively, is the most important thing and making sure that everybody gets equal sayings and contributes equally and has an opportunity to do that in whatever way works for them. And And what advice would you give professionals about sharing power? Do we you just do it and listen more and trust people that they know what works best for them in their circumstances will probably also have a lot of experience and not what works for other people to trust people that they have a good knowledge, and they can contribute just as easily say and want to say and actually want to work to make things better, Just like probably a lot of the professionals come into, um, social care to do, too. And how have you found today? It's great

I love Tony's song. I've not heard that before. It was fab

It's been a really energetic, lively experience, not it's so nice and refreshing to come to a conference where there's a real electric bus around and and people have been in the I. I've certainly felt that I can sort of contribute and been asking at the workshops and I think the workshops are quite varied. But I'm looking forward to hearing the speakers this afternoon

I think it's just really nice collaborative piece and I think I can tell that it's probably been designed and created equally by people that are professionals and people, probably from the construction. So you can you can just help anything else you'd like to say about today or home production in general. And I think it's really disappointing that we've been talking co production and certainly I've worked for a number of different cases

We've been talking co production for 1015 years and talking about personalization, and it's a shame that we're still talking about it being a fairly new thing for so many people and for so many organisations. And it's just such a powerful way of working and it brings so many benefits to organisations, but most importantly to people themselves that people have a say and people can do whatever they want power to do. For me, it just seems an in brainer that everybody would Brilliant, Thank you very much

Ok, Thank you. Yes.

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