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Report transcript in: What recovery means to me (Rochdale recovery event)
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What does recovery mean to you?
Recovery means
well. Recovery means
spirit, strength, hob experience.
Uh huh.
it's what? It's a gift. What I've been given. But I received an eight month forgot,
I hold very dear to my eyes. It's hard to describe it.
It's a wonderful, wonderful gift to have, um, without recovery in my life.
I don't think Adam Ed.
And if you know of my life, to be quite honest with you,
I've come a long way with recovery with the help of Narcotics Anonymous,
with the help of all the services,
what are involved into the pretty much every
single service I've been in and out of for
most of my life. So recovered to me is it's everything. It's macron.
It's what I believe in. It's what I'm going to go on to do.
I'm gonna I'll give back in services. It's giving me education.
It's giving me my own self back, my own self worth.
My belief, my spirituality, it's everything. And Martin the recovery.
It's It's the gift that keeps on giving.
It's amazing to feel me again, not working up wondering what, what,
where I'm going to get that next drug that next drink or where
the money is coming from all over I'm gonna eat today are,
you know, sleeping rough.
You know, it's it's absolutely amazing. This gift. What I've been giving them,
I wouldn't I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Um, for anyone that's around and that's wanted to get into records, Really,
I just get get stuck in because without it served my life, it really did.
It served my life, and I'm passionate about what I do. I'm Joe just started.
I'm sorry. I've just finished a level to counselling cost for a bit.
A peer mentoring course I'm qualified, going on to do level free.
You know,
it's giving me a passion back in my life to to want
to learn because I never really amounted to much at school.
I never really applied myself, so I never I never got the benefits of that.
And now,
with the help of the recovery and all the
fellowship around me and all my friends in recovery and
all the gifts when it's given me,
it's made me the person I am today sharing into into a decent man.
Yeah, what? Your plans for the future. Chris plans for the future.
I want to work in talking alcohol services, so helping the youth.
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