There are many observations to be made from a book cover. There is the classic observation of "Never judge a book by its cover", but often the very nature of our own engagement with a particular book actually does stem from the cover itself. We look for colourful artwork and typeface to entice us towards the particular text in question. It draws us in, seduces us with its vibrance, and ultimately determines whether or not we actually venture beyond the cover and introduction.
This exhibition attempts to provide us with an alternate view of classic texts, such as Rushdie's Satanic Verses or Orwell's 1984, purely by virtue of the alternate outer cover, which serves to alter our perceptions and potentially break down stereotypes regarding classic works.
As far as whether or not this exhbition succeeds in doing so. is only for the individual to judge.

Ez a kérdés vizsgálja, hogy vajon ember-e a látogató, valamint megelőzi az automatikus kéretlen üzenetek beküldését.