Has the true meaning of Christmas been lost? Has it become too commercialised and too much about the material objects we receive for someone else’s birthday? Do we only do it for the kids?
I think Christmas has no true meaning to most people these days as they just see it as a time to spend loads of money, get stressed and in debt and also getting drunk, when really it is to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
I am not a religious person and I do not like Christmas as I feel my children’s birthdays are more important than celebrating someone else’s that I do not know. So why do we insist on going so over the top year after year? Is it just for the kids? For me it is, I feel that if they do not have a few presents to open and go back to school to brag about then they will be bullied and no parent wants that for their child.
Why is there so many adverts trying to sell all these material objects that we do not need but as soon as the kids see them they want it they have to have it so we try our best to get it making ourselves in debt and stressed because the shops we have been into have not got the TOY is sold out everywhere! Now what do we do oh I know buy something bigger better and more expensive hoping they will be happy with that and then worrying how to pay back all the loans.
Right I think that may be a good time to stop my Christmas rant and go to the kids carol service at my local church.